Over the time, the Police forces’ needs have evolved to adapt to the variety of different situations that may arise on the field.
Drones are decidedly one of the best new tools made available to the Police forces.
Only a few years ago, when drones appeared on the market, the Police forces leaders still did not imagine the added value of these unmanned aircraft for police operations.

The use of Police drones can be very efficient and particularly in the context of:
- Traffic accident scene investigations
- Search for missing persons
- Location of suspects
- Perquisitions
- Rescue operations
- Detection of illegal activities or operations related to public safety or inconvenient to the population
- Securing sensitive areas
- Crime scene investigations
- Interventions during various incidents like:
- industrial sites
- Seveso-classified sites
- sites that may contain other hazardous products
- case of disturbance of public order
- etc.
- Surveillance of public events (sports meetings, concerts, etc.)
- The anti-drug fight
- The hostage rescue operations
- The anti-terrorist fight
- Border surveillance
- Some specific and well-targeted police operations
Police drones are equipped with high-definition cameras having powerful zoom capabilities, combined to thermal cameras, able to see during the night like in daylight.
These drones can take-off almost anywhere or keep hovering for a long time.
From the air, flying high and away from its target, the police drone provides an “eagle vision” to the officers.
Ready for immediate take-off at any time, the Police drone can be quickly on site without involving any greater resources. This way, the manned Police helicopters remain available for other missions for which the transport of people by air is essential.
By observing from above, the drone can limit the risk of exposure of Police officers and thus save human lives.
Police operation headquarters are in permanent contact with the drone pilots so they can guide the ground special units and squads (SWAT).
The decision-making is easier and faster thanks to the site overview that the embedded cameras offer in real time to the Police officers in charge of the operation.

The Police drone pilots team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The high mobility of the drone allows the Police officers to get to the scene very rapidly and have the aircraft airborne almost immediately.
As a conclusion, today even more than yesterday, the Police drone air support contributes significantly to improve the public security, including for the policemen deployed in the field.