Infrared thermography by drone

houses thermography 21 - Infrared thermography by droneThe technic called Infrared thermography (IRT) or thermal imaging is based on the Infra Red radiation of an object, a body or a place in relation with its temperature. The images obtained this way are called a thermogram.

Several applications are directly related to the thermography like the buildings thermal diagnosis, the detection of water scarcity in agriculture, the temperature measurements used to monitor production lines and industrial facilities, locating people during search and rescue missions, monitoring areas after fires or other natural or industrial disaster, and many others.

Aerial thermography allows to get a comprehensively view of a wide area in a minimum time and cost.


Buildings thermal inspection
Thermography is used especially in the construction sector to analyze the thermal losses of buildings. It allows to identify the energy loss (heat loss) of each building through a color chart associated with a  temperature scale generated by this technique.

All data thus collected are then used to generate extremely accurate thermographic maps focused either to a single building, a specific area or even an entire region. Aerial thermographic vision is very relevant because the majority of heat loss from a building concerns in order of importance the roof, walls and windows.

AltiGator infrared camera1 - Infrared thermography by droneThis allows:

  • controlling energy losses
  • identifying thermal bridges
  • detecting defects or lack of insulation
  • targeting air leakage
  • identifying points of infiltration of water and the extent thereof on a roof terrace
  • detecting breaks in hot water pipes
  • identifying construction defaults
  • monitoring the drying of a structure
  • finding faults in the supply lines and the district heating network
  • identifying electrical problems

These technical details are fundamental to the renovation and improvement of the energy performance of a building.

The advantage of being able to equip our drones with IR thermal cameras, unlike helicopters which offer a very vertical incidence, is their ability to also shoot the vertical walls of the buildings, but also the steep cliffs in search and rescue missions for example .

Without time or space constraint, aerial thermography performed by drones allows to make photographs of high precision and high quality thanks to the stability of the gyro-stabilized gimbals.

Complete RTF solution: XENA Thermo

drone thermal camera 2 - Infrared thermography by drone urban drone thermography 21 - Infrared thermography by drone drone thermal camera 3 - Infrared thermography by drone
drone thermal infrared camera - Infrared thermography by drone drone thermal infrared camera 2 - Infrared thermography by drone drone thermal infrared camera 3 - Infrared thermography by drone